Sunday, November 13, 2011


i will never ever be able to thank her enough.
thank you to my best friend sophie rose barton
she is the most loyal, understanding, trustworthy, funny, amazing, talented, driven, loving, loveable, cuddly, genuine, happy, beautiful..inside and out, hard-working, inspiring, thoughtful, peaceful, hilarious, fun, and best friend i could ever ask for. 
while here on earth she taught me more than anyone. 
now that she is watching over me i have learned more than i thought was possible. 
i cannot wait until i see her again.
i know that we will cry and laugh and hug forever just as we always do. 
soph.. i miss and love you more everyday. please know that i am forever thankful for you. 

i'm thankful for time to think
to find a quiet spot and just think. 
think about anything. 
think about....
-the future.
-what i'm here to accomplish. 
-what kind of person i want to be.
-the things i'm thankful for
-things that inspire me
-what i have to get done before the days over
-who i can help
-how i can become better in the smallest way possible

not any friendship.
but one that taught me something. 
taught me more than how to laugh and love. but how to mature. how to understand others. how to try to mend a friendship. showed me that things don't always work out as i hoped they would. taught me that although i probably never admit i am... yes sometimes i'm wrong. taught me to be nice no matter what others think of me.  that nothing should break a friendship up, but sometimes it does.  showed me things about myself.. things that i will work on to make me a better person.  things that no one but her would tell me. that's a real friend.  whit i'm so thankful for our friendship. and although it's nothing like it used to be.. i'm glad i've had it the last 7 years. you've taught me so much and i hope you know 
i love you no matter what. 

gaining new friendship is so exciting.
i love learning things from each of the people i meet. 
i love these two girls for teaching me how to become a 
that following every single rule isn't what matters. 
friendship matter, loyalty matters, school matters, learning matters, becoming judgement free matters, being open to change matters, being true to yourself matters, being interested in others matters, always having your friends back matters, doing little things for your friends like writing a note can make a huge difference, being inclusive to everyone matters, not letting age or interests change anything in a friendship, trusting others matters, spending time with your friends matters, memories matter,  living in the moment matters, and so so so so many other things.

i'm so thankful that i have these two girls in my life. they have become such good friends to me and stood behind me when they'd only known me for a few months. 
love you kvw and mvs 
thanks for everything.
you truly have taught me soo much in the last 3 months. 

"To live constantly above snobbery of word or deed; to place scholarship before social obligations and character before appereances; to be, in the best sense, democratic rather than 'exclusive', and lovable rather than 'popular'; to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely, to choose thoughtfully that course which occasion and conscience demand; to be womanly always; to be discouraged never; in a word, to be loyal under any and all circumstances to my Fraternity and her highest teachings and to have her welfare ever at heart that she may be a symphony of high purpose and helpfulness in which there is no discordant note."
Ethel Switzer Howard. Xi.

karson phippen
the reason i'm grateful for him recently is pretty selfish. but i'll share anyways.
along with being the best kid in the entire world...
=being nice to everyone. making a longboard in honor of soph, being amazingly smart, hilarious, gonna be the best husband, good looking, such a strong kid, and sooo thoughtful and everything else..

this kid never ever fails to make my day every time i talk to him. 
i never leave a conversation without him telling me something to lift my self-esteem.
here's something he told me.. shows what an amazing kid HE is. 

 "know that you literally are the best person, you are always happy and smiling and your overwhelming personality is something this world needs more of, you are soo beautiful and have the most geourgoues eyes and pretty smile, that sums up what a joy you have been in my life you truely are a light to everyone ..G2G continue to shine on always lyci"

karson that is why i love you. i hope you know how much you mean to me and i seriously don't know what i would do without you. xo

i took this picture while camping at lake mary a few summers ago. 
sunrises & sunsets
they are one of the many things that remind me to be happy and thankful each day of my life.
it's a gift each day reminding me that i have been giving this amazing place to live. be happy.
there's not much more to it than that. 
take a second.. look around.. the world is BEAUTIFUL! be grateful. be happy. love life
find the things that make you happy and focus on that. 
every night and every morning on my way to school i take a second (no matter how much of a hurry i am in) to look at the sky.  the colors, the stars, the moon, the sun, the clouds, the air.  the things that surround us in this amazing world. 

the bartons. 
not only are they like a second family.
tessa like a sister
luke and cole like my little brothers i chase around
anne-marie like my stylish mother 
and kent and chas the most amazing family members to look up to
but they are an inspiration. 
they are so strong. 
they love each other even with one lost. 
they carry on remembering
they won't let anyone forget. 
how amazing?
they have taught me so much. 
they love more than most. 
they laugh more than most. 
they are the most talented people in the world. 
every single one of them has not one amazing talent but hundreds! 
they have helped me so much the past year and a half... i could never repay them for even half of what they have done . 

sophie loves each one of you so so much. 
she would tell me all the time about each one of you and how important you were. 
tessa-her best friend. she looked up to you so much.
chas-her role model
cole-her entertainment. she loves you so much.
luke-she couldn't wait until you were a little older and you could be best friends.
kent- she always tried to follow you tender hearted peace maker personality. 
anne-marie-the best mom she could have asked for. always kept her pushing for her dreams. 

lil puds.
oh my lily wachtor. so much to say. 
i love this girl more than anything

she can make anyone smile, she is friends with anyone and everyone, she is smart and beautiful, she is loyal, she has the best laugh of anyone i know, she knows who she is and what she stands for, she is amazing at talking to parents, she cares about everyone and is the greatest person i know. 

my best friend since 7th grade. 
we have been through so much together.
we laugh more than anyone probably. 
she has read me books, tickled my back, helped me down stairs when i couldn't walk, surprised me with cupcakes on my birthday, talked to me until all hours of the night, come to my house at 3 am just because i needed to talk to someone, had more sleepovers than anyone, traveled everywhere with me, come to family reunions since day one, taken over a million pictures with me, laughed everyday with me, talked for hours on the phone, written me countless notes, and talked to me about EVERYTHING. 

nothing will ever separate us. we're two hours away and still talk everyday. i love you so so much lilyanna. best friends forever. i am so thankful for everything you have taught me. you are such a light in my life and i can't thank you enough for being my best friend since the day we met. 

one of my favorite activities. 
i write all my thoughts, my daily life, my favorite quotes, my crushes, about my friends, my life... really anything that needs to be said is written in my journal. 
i love reading back on old journals.
each night i write in my journal something i'm thankful for that day. 

it reminds me.. no matter how awful my day was.. there is something i'm thankful for. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! I'm so glad you have a I can know whats going on in your world :)Love it!
