Sunday, November 13, 2011

eleven eleven eleven

only happens once every hundred years
i'm lucky enough to have lived though 1/1/1 2/2/2 3/3/3 4/4/4 5/5/5 6/6/6 7/7/7 8/8/8 9/9/9 10/10/10

at 11:11 am on 11/11/11 while i would have rather been skydiving or changing the world..
i was at school..
luckily my teachers stopped class 
..we stood in complete silence and made a wish.
the power in the room was unbelievable. 
everyone in the room for one moment had a wish. 
a dream.
a love for someone.
for something.
a hope for a brighter anything.
a vision of greatness.
a cry for prosperity
we were all one. wishing the best for ourselves and others. 

luckily i had two shots to make a perfect wish. 
i didn't want be greedy and wish for more.
i wished to: 
be a light
to radiate joy
i wished for happiness.
not the kind of happiness that comes from money, lust, carefree fun, or gossiping.
but true happiness
the kind that come from true love, selfless service, learning and believing

my ultimate wish..
to live a good life & fight a good fight.
and all that entails. 

1 comment:

  1. oh my...what a friggen awesome teacher to stop class to make a wish!!!! I love that teacher (as long as it's not the retard health teacher, then i take that back)
