Saturday, March 9, 2013


tonight i'm feeling nostalgic--
my journals at my house and i'm not.. so the only thing i can think to do is blog. 

time goes by all too quickly. 
the things you think will stay forever suddenly are gone without you even realizing. 
it really is amazing how simple life used to be and how complicated it somehow becomes. 
hardships come and it's difficult to remember the simplicity and innocence of the life we had. 

it's a beautiful thing growing up and learning and living life in new ways. 
moving out and finding out what life is really about. 
but for me there's always a bitter aspect to accompany the sweetness.
a slight sadness thinking back and realizing that things will never ever ever be the same. 
that that was then and this is now and we will never get that time back. 
that friends come and go. 
people change. 
things change. 
people move on. 
things happen and you have to move on as well. 
the simplicity that once was is replaced with complications and over analysis and stress. 
the innocence that i so long for is corrupt by trials and hardships that are impossible to escape.

"remember the foot steps, remember the words said, i just realized everything i have is someday gonna be gone...its so much colder than i thought it would be... i wish i'd never grown up"

so what i take from this..
live EVERY moment. 
all of it..
the stress. 
the love. 
the laughter. 
the fights. 
the sadness.
the trials. 
the triumphs. 
the moments you feel infinite. 
the friends.
hold on to them. 
take in every moment.

take a moment to just sit.
to look and actually see
to admire the things around you that one day will be gone. 

don't wish away your life. 
live it. 
because one day you will look back and wish you could go back.

if you're always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you're in? 



  1. love you and this so much xoxo

  2. You don't know me, but our parents went to high school together. I stumbled across your blog and needed this post today. Thank you! You have such a beautiful view on life.
