Wednesday, February 15, 2012


well... i'll be honest again.. not my favorite holiday. 
but there's a lot more to february 14th than simply chocolate & flowers. 
valentines is about LOVE. 
not the romantic/commercial way in which we see it.
no no this day is about something much more
this day is about the people who have changed your life.
the people who make you smile over nothing. 
the people who teach you every time you talk to them. 
people who you can talk to for hours and hours and never run out of things to talk about. 
people who you can trust. 
the people who trust you. 
the ones who make you laugh harder than anyone else.
the ones who let you cry on their shoulder
the people who you can be completely yourself around.
no guards up. 
the ones who you want to take everywhere because they're so much fun.
the ones who you could spend every second of every day with.
valentines is a day to remember the ones you love that you've lost. 
a day to celebrate the ones you still have. 
a day to hope
to hope for a love.
a love that consists of more than flowers and candy. 
the love we come to earth to find
the love that will make you feel like you never have before.
so although this day may feel lonely for some. remember that love is real.
no matter who.
everyone is capable of loving. 
so remember to always love.
not just on february 14. 
